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“I Am A Friend Of God”

Praises and accolades are given to persons mostly at the climax of performance.  Hardly is anyone honored at the steepest level of performance.  But for a friend.  A friend will stand by and sing a friend’s praise even at the deepest level of the valley.  A friend could be an equal or a senior as big as the Creator, the almighty Father.  Like Abraham (James 2:23), King David was a friend of God and a man whose heart was after God.  Even in ruin and defeats, a time all that was physically evident was disappointing, David knew to declare the Lord’s great love,

1 I will sing of the LORD’s great love forever;

    with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known

    through all generations.

2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever,

    that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself (Psalm 89:1-2).

In his album, “Friend of God,” Israel Houghton reminds the believer that Jesus Christ by His own mouth has declared us friends (John 15:15).  And how awesome it is to know that friendship is mutual.  David reiterates it in Psalm 89:1-2 as he reminds you to not only sing the praise of your friend even when you think the friend is letting you down. Your friend will not only sing your praise in return for standing by, but will also be around when you are down. His faithfulness (is) known through all generations.”  In this month of September, and going forward, no matter how you see God in your life situation, it will be rewarding to think and sing along,

Who am I that You are mindful of me

That You hear me when I call

Is it true that You are thinking of me

How You love me it's amazing

I am a friend of God

I am a friend of God

I am a friend of God

He calls me friend… (Israel Houghton).

By Pastor John Maduabia.

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